If this is your first time in my site, welcome! Chateau Du Mer is a beach house and a Conference Hall. The beach house could now accommodate 10 guests, six in the main floor and four in the first floor( air conditioned room). In addition, you can now reserve your vacation dates ahead and pay the rental fees via PayPal. I hope to see you soon in Marinduque- Home of the Morions and Heart of the Philippines. The photo above was taken during our first Garden Wedding ceremony at The Chateau Du Mer Gardens. I have also posted my favorite Filipino and American dishes and recipes in this site. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own, but I have no intention on the infringement of your copyrights!

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on photo to link to Marinduque Awaits You

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Macrine is Out of Rehab and Enjoying Home Life

This morning we checked out from Manor Care Center(MCC) after staying only for 5 days. So Macrine total Rehab days were only 15, but with 60 days of home visit from a visiting nurse, PT, OT, and nurses aid if needed. More important is the memory therapy mentioned by the speech therapist at Manor Care.

I decided to maintain her sanity so we checked out 5 days earlier than the standard rehab days( 20 days) paid by Medicare.

We were very happy with the services of Manor Care. However, since there was a no smoking area in the whole care center, Macrine was not happy, moody and irritable. So I encourage her to do her PT religiously ( walking with a walker) and today she is about 85% recovered.

The memory therapy was the first service I heard this year. It teaches the patient to automatically do an action with out thinking or as if it is a natural action to do. In Macrine's case she has to use her walker every time she walks without me or David III reminding her all the time. I hope this memory therapy works.

We got reacquainted with about 10 old employees ( nurses and aids) that also served us last year when Macrine was doing her rehab at Manor Care. With the exception of the head and one employee all the PT personnel were new ( less than one year), thus they were conscientious of their job. MCC PT department is better than the PT Department in Whitney Oaks.

With Macrine at home, my life is backed to normal. I could enjoy my own bed and do my own thing ( blogging and watching my favorite TV shows).

Again, Thank You To all who send their wishes for Macrine speedy recovery and concerned of Macrine's health.

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